The Best Farrier Schools in the USA: Where Craftsmanship Meets Passion

The Best Farrier Schools in the USA: Where Craftsmanship Meets Passion

In the equestrian world, the role of a farrier is indispensable. Farriers are skilled craftsmen and women who specialize in equine hoof care, encompassing the trimming and balancing of horses' hooves and the placing of shoes on their hooves, if necessary. This age-old profession blends art, science, and a deep love for animals, ensuring that horses maintain optimal hoof health and performance. For those drawn to this unique career path, choosing the right school is the first step toward mastering the craft. In this blog post, we'll trot through some of the best farrier schools in the USA, where passion for equine care is forged into expertise.

1. Oklahoma State Horseshoeing School - Ardmore, OK

Nestled in the heart of horse country, the Oklahoma State Horseshoeing School has been shaping top-tier farriers for decades. With a comprehensive curriculum that covers anatomy, pathology, and the principles of horseshoeing, students are prepared for a successful career in the field. The school offers various programs to suit different levels of experience, from beginners to those looking to refine their skills.

2. Kentucky Horseshoeing School - Richmond, KY

The Bluegrass State is synonymous with horse racing, making it a fitting location for one of the premier farrier schools in the country. The Kentucky Horseshoeing School prides itself on a rigorous program that not only teaches the technical skills needed for horseshoeing but also instills a deep understanding of equine anatomy and physiology. Graduates leave well-equipped to tackle the challenges of the farrier profession.

3. Pacific Coast Horseshoeing School - Plymouth, CA

Located in the scenic foothills of the Sierra Nevada, the Pacific Coast Horseshoeing School offers an immersive experience in farrier science. The school's philosophy centers on hands-on learning, with students spending ample time working directly with horses. This approach ensures that graduates are not only proficient in the technical aspects of the trade but also comfortable and confident in handling horses.

4. Cornell University Farrier Program - Ithaca, NY

For those looking for an academic setting, the Cornell University Farrier Program offers a unique blend of scholarly learning and practical experience. Affiliated with one of the leading veterinary schools in the country, the program provides an unparalleled understanding of equine health, alongside fundamental farrier skills. This combination prepares students for a career that may extend beyond traditional horseshoeing into equine health and research.

5. Heartland Horseshoeing School - Lamar, MO

Heartland Horseshoeing School is known for its intensive programs designed for serious students aiming for the pinnacle of farrier excellence. With a focus on forging and corrective shoeing, the curriculum is tailored to those aspiring to compete at national and international farriery competitions or to work with high-performance horses in various equestrian disciplines.

Choosing the Right Path

Selecting the right farrier school is a significant decision that can shape your career in the equine industry. Each of these schools offers something unique, whether it's a focus on hands-on experience, academic knowledge, or specialized skills. Prospective students should consider their career goals, learning style, and the type of equine industries they wish to serve when making their choice.

Becoming a farrier is not just about learning a trade; it's about embracing a lifestyle that celebrates the bond between humans and horses. It requires dedication, passion, and a continual desire to learn and improve. For those ready to embark on this journey, the schools listed above provide a gateway to a rewarding career, blending craftsmanship with the love of equine companions.

Remember, in the world of farriery, your education is the foundation upon which you will build your career. Choose wisely, and let your passion for horses guide you to the right school. Happy shoeing!

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Why You Should Be Using a Hoof Stand in Your Hoof Care Business

Why You Should Be Using a Hoof Stand in Your Hoof Care Business

In the world of equine care, precision, safety, and efficiency are not just goals—they are necessities. For professionals dedicated to maintaining the health and performance of horses, every tool in their arsenal plays a crucial role in achieving these objectives. Among these essential tools, the hoof stand stands out (pun intended!) as a game-changer for farriers and hoof care specialists. And when it comes to selecting the best hoof stand on the market, the Hoof-it Blacksmith model is unparalleled. Here’s why incorporating a hoof stand into your hoof care business is a smart move and why the Hoof-it Blacksmith should be your top choice.

The Importance of a Hoof Stand in Hoof Care

Ergonomic Efficiency

A hoof stand supports the horse's hoof during trimming, shaping, and shoeing processes, reducing strain on both the horse and the farrier. This ergonomic efficiency not only makes the job easier but also significantly decreases the risk of injury and fatigue. With a hoof stand, professionals can maintain a better posture, focusing on precision without the distraction of discomfort.

Safety First

Safety is paramount in any equine-related activity. A hoof stand stabilizes the hoof, minimizing the risk of slips and accidental injuries. This stability is crucial when working with tools like nippers, rasps, and knives. A secure hoof means a safer environment for both the equine and the human.

Enhanced Precision

Precision in hoof care cannot be overstated. The right hoof stand allows for adjustments in height and angle, providing the perfect position for detailed work. This level of control ensures that each cut, trim, or file is as accurate as possible, leading to better hoof health and performance.

Why Hoof-it Blacksmith Stands Above the Rest

Unmatched Quality

The Hoof-it Blacksmith hoof stand embodies the pinnacle of quality. Designed with both the professional farrier and the horse in mind, it features durable construction that can withstand the rigors of daily use. Its robust design ensures longevity, making it a wise investment for any hoof care business.

Versatility and Innovation

What sets the Hoof-it Blacksmith apart is its innovative design, catering to a wide range of hoof sizes and shapes. Its versatility makes it suitable for various breeds and disciplines, from racing thoroughbreds to working draft horses. The ability to adjust height and hoof rest angle allows for a custom fit for each horse, enhancing the precision and effectiveness of your work.

Ergonomic Design for Ultimate Comfort

The Hoof-it Blacksmith stand is engineered for ergonomics, offering features that significantly reduce strain on the farrier. Its thoughtful design ensures that you can work longer and more comfortably, translating to a higher quality of service for your clients and their horses.

A Trustworthy Investment

Choosing the Hoof-it Blacksmith hoof stand is not just about buying a tool; it's about investing in your business's future. Its durability, combined with the efficiency and safety it brings to your work, makes it an indispensable asset. This stand not only elevates the standard of care you provide but also underscores your commitment to professional excellence.


Incorporating a hoof stand into your hoof care routine is a decision that brings immediate benefits in terms of safety, efficiency, and precision. And when it comes to choosing the best, the Hoof-it Blacksmith stands out as the premier choice for professionals who refuse to compromise on quality and innovation. Elevate your hoof care business to new heights with a tool that blends functionality with excellence. The Hoof-it Blacksmith hoof stand is not just a tool; it's your partner in ensuring the health and performance of the horses in your care.

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The Role of Diet in Equine Hoof Health

The Role of Diet in Equine Hoof Health

Nutrition Tips for Stronger Hooves

As a horse owner, you understand the significance of proper nutrition for your equine partner, overall health and well-being. However, did you know that a well-balanced diet contributes to strong and healthy hooves? In this blog, we will discuss nutrients and dietary tips that contribute to stronger hooves.

Quality Forage as the Foundation

High-quality forage, such as grass and hay, should form the foundation of your horse's diet. Forage provides essential nutrients like fiber, vitamins, and minerals that are crucial for hoof health. 

Protein for Hoof Growth and Repair

Protein is a vital component of hoof growth and repair. Ensure your horse's diet includes a sufficient amount of high-quality protein sources like alfalfa, soybean meal, or linseed meal. Protein aids in developing strong, resilient hooves that can withstand the rigors of daily activities.

Biotin - The Hoof Vitamin

Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, is often hailed as the "hoof vitamin" due to its significant impact on hoof quality. Among its most important functions is the production of keratin, the protein that makes up the hoof wall. Consider adding biotin supplements to your horse's diet, but consult your veterinarian for the appropriate dosage.

Essential Minerals

Certain minerals are essential for maintaining healthy hooves. Zinc, copper, and manganese are particularly important for hoof strength and integrity. These minerals support collagen production, which contributes to the overall structure of the hoof. Ensure your horse's diet includes balanced mineral supplements or feeds formulated to meet these specific needs.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Hoof Health

Omega-3 fatty acids have numerous benefits for horses, including improved hoof health. These essential fats have anti-inflammatory properties, which can aid in reducing inflammation associated with hoof problems. Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in flaxseed, chia seeds, and fish oil supplements.

Manage Carbohydrate Intake

Controlling carbohydrate intake is essential for horses prone to metabolic issues like laminitis. Diets high in sugars and starches can lead to insulin spikes and subsequent hoof problems. Choose low-starch feeds and limit access to lush, high-sugar pastures, especially for horses with metabolic conditions.

Hydration Matters

Adequate hydration is vital for overall health, including hoof health. Make certain your horse has access to fresh clean water at all times. Hydration supports proper blood flow to the hooves, aiding in the delivery of essential nutrients.

Regular Dental Care

Maintaining proper dental health is essential. Effective chewing and digestion of food are vital for nutrient absorption and overall health.

The old saying "no hoof, no horse" holds true, emphasizing the significance of hoof health in your horse's life. A well-balanced diet that includes high-quality forage, adequate protein, biotin, essential minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, and controlled carbohydrates is essential for maintaining strong and healthy hooves. Regular hoof care combined with a nutritious diet ensures your horse enjoys a solid foundation, allowing them to thrive in their daily activities and providing you with a happy, healthy equine companion. Remember to consult with your veterinarian or equine nutritionist to tailor a diet that best suits your horse's individual needs.

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Horse Frog Infections: Causes, Prevention, and Treatment | Expert Guide

Horse Frog Infections: Causes, Prevention, and Treatment | Expert Guide

The article provides a comprehensive guide on horse frog infections, including their causes, prevention measures, and treatment options. The importance of maintaining good hoof hygiene and regular farrier visits is emphasized to prevent these infections. Proper diagnosis and treatment by a veterinarian and farrier is crucial for effective management of the infection.

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Eco hoof stand

HOOF-it® Launches Eco-Friendly Hoof Stand Made From "Liquid Wood"

The HOOF-it® Blacksmith© Eco© Hoof Stand, made from Arboform® or "liquid wood," is an eco-friendly alternative to traditional polypropylene hoof stands. It is completely biodegradable, made from renewable raw materials, and does not produce microplastics when used. The manufacturing process of this hoof stand produces a small CO2 footprint, making it a sustainable solution for farriers and horse owners concerned about the environment. The product was developed in collaboration with Hunold + Knoop and ALBIS PLASTIC GmbH and presented at the Hannover Messe 2023. Managing Director Mathias Hunold expressed satisfaction with the product and its reception. For more information, visit

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Understanding horse behavior: communication, body language, and herd dynamics

Understanding horse behavior: communication, body language, and herd dynamics

Understanding horse behavior is important for anyone who works with horses, whether as a rider, trainer, farrier or caretaker. Horses are social animals with complex communication systems and unique personalities, and their behavior can be influenced by a variety of factors such as environment, training, and past experiences.

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The Role of Nutrition in Maintaining Healthy Hooves in Horses

The Role of Nutrition in Maintaining Healthy Hooves in Horses

Proper nutrition is vital for maintaining strong and healthy hooves in horses. Feeding a balanced diet that is high in protein, biotin, and key minerals can support hoof growth and repair. Consult with a veterinarian or equine nutritionist to develop a diet plan that meets your horse's specific needs and helps them achieve optimal hoof health.

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DIY hoof care: can you do it yourself or do you need a professional?

DIY hoof care: can you do it yourself or do you need a professional?

Proper hoof care is crucial for maintaining the health and strength of a horse's hooves. While some horse owners prefer to hire a professional farrier for their horse's hoof care needs, others may consider doing it themselves. In this article, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of DIY hoof care, and help you determine if it is the right option for you and your horse.

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The Importance of Hoof Care

The Importance of Hoof Care

The article discusses the importance of proper hoof care in horses, including routine hoof care and professional hoof care provided by a farrier. It also covers the use of hoof supplements to improve the quality of the hooves and the signs of hoof problems that horse owners should be aware of. The article also includes an excerpt on how to properly clean a horse's hooves, emphasizing the importance of thorough cleaning to maintain hoof health and prevent potential problems.

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Springtime Horse Care: A Checklist for Keeping Your Horse Healthy and Happy

Springtime Horse Care: A Checklist for Keeping Your Horse Healthy and Happy

A checklist of things to do to ensure your horse's health and happiness during the spring season. It suggests starting with a veterinary checkup, regular grooming, consulting with a veterinarian for a suitable diet, gradually increasing exercise routine, checking hooves regularly, preparing pastures for grazing, and inspecting and cleaning tack and equipment. Following these tips can help ensure your horse stays healthy and happy during the spring season.

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